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Introduction of BIM Stakeout Measuring Robot

Introduction of BIM Stakeout Measuring Robot

        In China, the integrated applications of BIM-based surveying and mapping robots mainly include the following aspects:
        1. BIM-based basic measurement of building construction, automatic sighting or tracking, automatic rotation of stakeout, and guiding light indication to improve the efficiency and accuracy of measuring points and stakeout.
        2. For civil engineering and mechanical and electrical equipment installation, conduct BIM construction lofting operations, and conduct high-precision measurement and verification operations for constructed structures and pipeline equipment.
        3. Engineering topographic surveying and landslide monitoring operations can reduce the workload by 50%, improve the work quality of stakeout and installation and save time.
        4. Combined with BIM technology to assist construction acceptance, the actual measurement information and the design model information are compared and analyzed to ensure the construction accuracy and make the acceptance results comprehensive, intuitive and convincing.

Functions, features and advantages of BIM lofting and measuring robots.

Reduce the number of operations

            --Traditional method: 3 people -> Now: 1 person
     Simplify instrument operation and increase work speed
            -- Setting up stations and observations is simpler and faster than traditional methods
     High degree of automation, improve efficiency and quality
            --Automatic calculation, record keeping, achievement report and submission
     Reduce the professional and skill requirements of operators
     Reduce the cost of pay-off operations by at least 50%
     Directly use the BIM model to command the line to ensure that the construction conforms to the design
     The payout results are measured synchronously, and the data is directly and objectively returned to BIM, which helps to ensure that BIM conforms to the scene
     Can also be used for actual testing
     Realize the application of BIM in construction and give full play to the engineering value of BIM
     Domestic software, can be customized according to the needs.

BIM lofting robot application field

Civil construction loft interior decoration decoration
        Electrical plumbing wiring
        Building outline
        Facilities and general stakeout
        Mining calibration
        Clearance calibration
        Underground facility


Introduction of BIM Stakeout Robot Hardware System

        The software can be compatible with the current mainstream Japanese Sokkia SX and Japanese Topcon LN100 lofting measurement robots. These lofting measurement robots are brand-new products launched for the BIM field with stable equipment, high accuracy and high cost performance. Through the visual control of the tablet computer, a single-person stakeout measurement system can be created, which can be used without professional training. It can realize automatic tracking, automatic sighting, automatic measurement, automatic stakeout and other tasks.


Stakeout measuring robot solution

Accuracy of angle 1"
Accuracy of distance (Single prism) 6000m/1+2ppm
Measuring distance (No prism) 1,000m/+2ppm
Automatic tracking
(Single prism  Scope of application)
Automatic aiming
(Single prism  Scope of application)
Measuring time Accurate measurement:0.9秒
Fast measurement:0.6秒
Tracking measurement:0.4秒
display ✔TFT800 X 480Touch color display
Working time of one battery about 4 hours
Protection level IP65
Laser indicator
Weight (including handle) 5.8kg
keyboard 24 buttons with background light



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